Christmas Beer Tips
Making sure people have enough (but not too much) of the right beer for Christmas is a big responsibility and one that we at Flack Manor take very seriously.
We all seek advice from our butcher to make sure we have the right size bird, cooked properly and tasting great on the big day. If anything with all the variations of beer styles available, getting the Christmas beer right is more difficult than choosing the right turkey.
We have tried to put together some pointers with some of the pitfalls associated with buying Christmas beer.
Fresh beer is best!
But only if it is drunk while it is still fresh.
When making the decision as to which size draught beer container to buy, think "how long is it going to take to drink?" For example, you can start a Polypin on Christmas Eve, drink half by Boxing Day and then finish it on New Years Eve, the beer will be drinkable on New Years Eve but not at its best.
Q, How long does bright beer last?
A, Very much depends upon the following;
- Quantity of beer, a full Piggin (18 pints) will be good for a week or more but the last 4 or 5 pints will only last a couple of days.
- Exposure to Oxygen, a full Jug (4.5 pints) will be good for a few days after purchase but have one pint and go back to it the next day and the beer will not be as good.
- Storage temperature, traditionally real ale is stored and served between 8 - 12°C, too cold and the beer will appear dull and lifeless, too warm and the beer will spoil quickly.
- Movement, when the beer is collected from the brewery the container should be stored in a place where it will be dispensed. We recommend the porch or conservatory, somewhere with no heating but that doesn't get too cold. The more times the container is moved the more gas is shaken out of the beer and the more air gets into the beer.
Simple rules to follow;
- The fresher the better.
- Buy smaller containers that are consumed in one or two sessions, just buy more containers. This will also give you a chance to try some variety.
- Always buy backup bottles, nothing worse than misjudging how much to buy and running out of beer. Another advantage with having some bottles is that if you do have some bright beer that has gone beyond its best you can liven it up by mixing it with a bottle.
Cask beer from the Brewery Store is "bright" ready to drink and does not need time to settle.
2 pint best within 2 days of collection.
18 & 36 pint containers best within 5 days of collection
72 pint Firkin best within 2 days of tapping and should not be moved once tapped.