Winter Taproom Opening Hours

During the winter months, here at Flack's we take the opportunity to plan and prepare for the upcoming busy season. This year we have many exciting projects to work on that we hope will be rolled out in time for the spring and summer seasons.

We are looking forward to those warm afternoons and light evenings when our Taproom really comes to life and we have plenty of ideas for us to build on this year.

For the next couple of months we will be operating with limited opening hours so that our loyal regulars can still enjoy the Taproom with a full range of beers to drink on site and then get your take home beer fresh from the brewery.

As always, we look forward to welcoming you to our Taproom!

Taproom open

Fridays - 4pm - 8pm

Saturdays - 4pm - 8pm  

Happy New Year from all at Flack's.

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